Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is it February, already?

Oh, man, guys... The holidays just kind of disintegrated. I'm not really sure where all the time went, but I did make some art, between my last post and now.

This month has been fun, though. I've been working a lot but I also took some time to do something different and fun, artistically. DeviantART had a Valentine's Day community project, so I decided to join in and created a set of cards featuring animals, and challenged myself to do something unusual or stylistically different with each one. As the challenge went on, it also turned into a challenge to see how cute and sentimental I could make weird critters.

I admit, the honey badger Valentine was not very original, in terms of concept. But that drawing popped into my mind, and I had to do it.

Most of these are vector and/or vexel, with the exception of "I just want the be LOVED" and "Scientifically Accurate Philosoraptor."